Responsible Coaching Movement

Alberta Artistic Swimming has taken the Responsible Coaching Movement pledge.

Responsible Coaching Movement

The Responsible Coaching Movement (RCM) is a call to action for sport organizations, parents, and coaches to enact responsible coaching across Canada – on and off the field.

What is RCM?

Established by the Coaching Association of Canada and the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport, the RCM invites all coaches and sport organizations to learn and apply consistent coaching principles. It includes three distinct pillars, each serving to create a sport environment that is Safe, Smart and Secure.

The Rule of Two is a leading practice to ensure a safe sport environment for all. The goal of the Rule of Two is to ensure all interactions and communications are open, observable, and justifiable, and when two responsible adults (a coach, parent, or screened volunteer) are present with a participant. There may be exceptions in emergency situations. Check with the Association or your Club as to how the Rule of Two in enforced. 

A secure sport environment is one where all coaches and sport organization leaders are screened to meet requirements to be involved in sport. Screening includes comprehensive background and reference checks, interviews, plus police information checks, to be done at regular intervals.

A smart sport environment ensures coaches are trained and have the confidence and skills needed to effectively manage challenging situations. Lifelong learning through numerous training modules help coaches expand their knowledge and awareness if important topics throughout their career. 

Take the RCM Pledge

The RCM encourages sport organizations across Canada to pledge their commitment to implement these fundamental coaching principles at every level of sport. 

Get Involved

Many sport organizations have taken the RCM pledge and have committed to implementing its best practices. Find out which organizations have taken the pledge by clicking on the map

Responsible Coaching Resources

To help you on your RCM journey, the Coaching Association of Canada has developed an infographic and detailed RCM checklist that includes resources, templates and useful links. The checklist is updated regularly with new information and tools. For more information, visit

RCM Infographic
These steps enable coaches and sport organizations to learn and apply consistent best practices at all times to keep sport safe, smart and secure for everyone.

RCM Checklist
CAC’s detailed checklist offers resources, templates and useful links to set you on the right path. The checklist is updated regularly with the most current information and tools. 

Rule of Two Infographic
CAC’s infographic clearly demonstrates the key points of the Rule of Two. Share it with your stakeholders and post it in visible areas to ensure all participants understand it’s principles. 

Keep Sport Safe, Smart, and Secure

More ways to protect participants and coaches while fostering a positive sport culture:

Keep Sport Safe, Smart, and Secure

Please contact the Coaching Association of Canada’s Sport Safety Team at

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11759 Groat Road, Edmonton, AB T5M 3K6 . 780.415.1789